Saturday, July 29, 2006

Training in Downtown San Francisco

Sun Java Studio Creator is an integrated development environment (IDE) geared to simplifying the development of Java-based web applications. To complement the Creator Field Guide book, the Anderson Software Group has created a 3-day overview of the Creator IDE.

Last month Paul and I delivered the Java Studio Creator IDE Overview courseware in downtown San Francisco, just a block from the famed TransAmerica building. When attending JavaOne, we always stay in the Union Square/Theatre district. This time we stayed in Chinatown. It's a great location and a nice change. Walk out of the hotel, turn right and you're in the midst of Chinatown. Walk out of the hotel, cross the street, and you're in North Beach, with its fabulous selection of Italian eateries. We did not go hungry.

The course itself was well-attended with participants from as far away as Ireland and Canada and as nearby as a few blocks. In the three days the students worked through 15 different labs, with the most popular being a drag and drop master-detail database page and an AJAX auto-complete component example. One of the advantages of a public course is that attendees get to see what the other students are doing and can learn from each other.

A highlight of the course occurred when three Sun Microsystems staffers visited the class to answer a whole bevy of questions, from esoteric technical to general marketing. Participants were enthused about Creator being integrated into NetBeans (as we all are). Winston Prakash, one of the engineers and our go-to guy for all things technical regarding Creator, wrote about the session in his blog here.

We will be providing additional training as requested. If you're interested, contact Sun Microsystems.
Next Entry: Summer Beach Days

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