Okay, so London wasn’t just about watching the Chargers lose their play-off game to the Patriots. It was four days of adjusting to a new time zone so that we could articulate by the time we started teaching. The course, Building E-Commerce Web Applications Using Sun Java Studio Creator, was the same course we presented earlier in San Francisco .

But back to London. I love London. I love how the tube is easy to navigate, even when you’re unfamiliar with the lines and the station names. I love that it’s easy to walk around. I love that the shows are numerous, the pubs are more numerous, and you can always get a good brew. However, I hate the exchange rate, that the pubs all close at different times (as early as 11:00PM), and very few hotels have elevators (next time, bring less!). And, in January, the sun rises about 8:00AM and sets about 4:00PM—the days are short, me lad.

I love the craziness of Piccadilly Circus, I love Chinatown and its array of restaurants, and I love the old-world grandeur of St. Paul’s Cathedral, its dome, and the resultant echo as the choir sings during Evensong.

Finally, I love the parks—regal expanses of green hosting willowy trees, fountains, water, birds, geese and swans, and walking/running pathways! I didn’t mind that it rained, that it was cold, and that sometimes I could not understand spoken English. Hah!

Here is the finishing touch to your London Cappuccino: brown sugar, chocolates, and tiny cookies (biscuits).
Next Entry: A Brief Blush with History; or London in 1880
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